So it's SUNDAY again and, as
usual, I gotta do the one thing
experts say to never do if you
want people to like you --
never discuss money, politics
& RELIGION. Hey! It's Sunday
so...oddly enough KIERKE
means CHURCH and garde
means protect/take protective
custody of. Kierkegaard's
theology put him more at odds
with the church than openly
serving it. What I DO like?
"To dare is to lose one's foot-
ing momentarily, to not dare
is to lose one's self." Whether
you're dancing in the streets
(which aches my ankles!) or
on a horse, it's terrifying to
feel...less-than-groovy about
your footing. But I'm more
aware every day that life is
worthless without doing 1
thing every day that scares
me and anything is better
than regret for a life of omis-
sion on my deathbed. So
I'm adventuring through my
blessed hours, not in a stuffy
church, but in the big beaut-
ful world where mornings
glory! Try THE GODS MUST
BE CRAZY. I laughed so hard
...I lost my footing...
and yknow...it was far from
horrible! Cum find yours!
MARCH 7, 2021

Being with Brit & Jan
doesn't gimme more
coordination! GGRRR!
playmates will now have
sure-footed access to
JAN on KIK! Contact
me for details.

Far from warm or frigid, sunday morning 'walks'
are a stone cold groove -- without the snow.
For those who don't know, horses all have a unique
gait even when they emulate one another. They
also tend to gait together, especially when they're
familiar, even moreso when they're kin. Wandering
the woods keeps us off the muck/stone thanks to
autumn dross. (sigh) Nothing epic to say except
that having nothing epic to say means it does
what it's intended to do ---- empty the mind,
calm the soul, ease the angst, settle the spirit.
Trots, gallops and unbroken strides exhilarate,
but this...you can almost do eyes closed.

MARCH 7, 2021
"I saw her for the first time about
2 months ago. Had an amazing time.
Went for HH bbbj session. Nice hot
shower when I arrived. Got into bed
with her and started with some LFK
while she ran her hand all over me
teasing me. Amazing BBBJ. Started
laying down then stood up while she
sat on edge of bed and let me
take control. Light face fucking. Loud
and sloppy. Takes your load like
a champ. Laid in bed with her after
and chatted. Definitely makes you
feel like a king. Will repeat."
"I’ve seen her a few times and
always good. She’s got energy like
that energizer bunny :)"
-- TFZL1
"Amy is a treasure and we in Durham
are very lucky to have her.
"I have some very pleasant memories
from when I used to see Amy from time
to time at the airport. Damn Covid. "
-- TheBiggestGuy
"I saw Amy a few times in Whitby but
it's probably been 3 or maybe even
4 years since the last time. Like the
OP I'm not sure why I stopped.
I always had a great time with her.
She's a lot of fun."
"Had a great time and left wonder-
ing why I hadn't tried harder to
make our schedules mesh sooner."

While ST PATTY's DAY is
still a ways off, and I don't
drink at all and never have,
I'd have to live on the moon
to not appreciate just how
much HAPPINESS beer has
brought so many people.
It's (technically) a depressant
but there's no disputing that
many people seem a lot
cheerier when they've had
a few 'cold ones'. We didn't
invent beer any more than
we invented hockey but
CANADA has now become
synonymous with stronger
alcohol content and hockey
being Canada's game.
I don't like hockey either --
very 'girly' of me I know but
why would I have a problem
bringing a man a beer while
he watches the Canucks?
There's no difference from
a woman eating ice-cream
(or warm cream wink wink)
while watching B. Jones'
Diary. The first beer in the
world was brewed by the an-
cient Chinese around the year
7000 BCE (known as kui). In
the west, however, the process
now recognized as beer brew-
ing began in Mesopotamia
at the Godin Tepe settlement
now in modern-day Iran be-
tween 3500 - 3100 BCE.
Since then this HOPS-based
brewski has become more
than 'culture-defining craze'!
It's just sad that a holiday that
used to celebrate IRISH cul-
ture has turned into a day to
get wasted...nothing more.
But then Christmas sucks...
and...well...shouldn't we be
wiping the holiday slate clean
and starting over with some-
thing we actually find.........
relevant to us now.....?
I vote for MAN DAY...maybe
and just have "SCREW RE-
one PLAY HOOKEY day!"
And, of course, Everybody
hump everyone day!
Oh HELL YES!! Ok girls...
HOP from cock to cock!
Don't stop don't stop...
make everyone....
MARCH 6, 2021

"Thank you for a spectacular
time! I felt very comfortable from
the get-go and I am looking
forward to the next rendez-vous"
-- Tim, March 5, 2012
"I had a really great time with
Amy. She made it very comfor-
table for me. I'll definitely be
visiting again to relax and just
forget about the problems of life!
-- V., March 5, 2021
"When I found out 'women are
always free' I had to check out
the legend called IFUSEEKAMY.
I refused to leave without
stashing some $ in the bar be-
hind the bed, since she refused
to take it any other way. A doll,
a skilled and sweet lover.
Probably the best I've seen!
A real dazzler. Thanks SO much!"
-- Maria T., March 3, 2021
"Renewed my time with Amy
today...why did I wait so long!?"
-- llostt, March 3, 2021
"Two perfect hours after two
months of Covid crap!
What a treat! Always better
than I remember or expect!"
-- Nomodough, March 2, 2021
"Absolutely decadent. Amy lived
up to her rep and beyond.
She knows how to make you
relax, gets rid of all the outside
nonsense and made me cum 3
times in 90 mins. Never ever
done that. I can see why she's
tops with so many people.
I'll be back every 30 or more."
-- H.L., March 1, 2021

“In the end, art is a small beer.
The really serious things
are earning one’s living
so as not to be a parasite
and loving one’s neighbor.”
— W.H. Auden

BEERFEST is hilarious!
STRANGE BREW is cute and
CANUCKIAN. And why not
revisit ANIMAL HOUSE and
go truly RETRO with

Of A Different Drum! Especially if that dummer is MELODY VALENTINE who -- besides
being a deliciously HOT cartoon -- was actually CHERYL LADD...that's right! Charlie's
Angel did the singing voice for the PUSSY..............cat! (hahaha)! This Saturday
slice of RETRO is served à la mode (Mmmmmm...creamy!) with some STOOGES...
MARCH 6, 2021

I didn't just miss out on the SATURDAY CARTOON phenomenon and
HIPPY era...I also missed out on a time when people road bikes
(apparently...everyone had one and it was how kids got everywhere
...back at a time when KIDS ACTUALLY WENT SOMEWHERE).
In those days girls were still girls instead of being vulgar, loud,
bitchy men with boobs. Just my opinion...I think girls should be...
well..girly. Girls should giggle. Girls should jiggle.
Girls should be soft, sweet, warm and feminine. I guess watching
Saturday Cartoons helped them retian some innocence?
Women have traditionally missed the hilarity of 3 STOOGES genre
because we're too insecure to be idiots and laugh it off.
I pee myself a little every time I watch them! OMG it's friggin
hysterical! I don't think that makes me butch! I like to think it
means I've 'gotten over myself'. Jeeez...I hope so! Today I'm taking
.........................cats. And of course, more CAPTAIN CAVEMAN
He's hairy, primitive, has everything including the kitchen sink
under his hair; and, as far as I can tell, he's 'porking' all 3 girls!
Does that make them 3 stooges/sluts? Dippy? Pretty much all these
toons were made during the HIPPY era....including....

I woulda totally had a 4some with the PUSSY..........cats. And Betty WAS A BABE!
There's nothing wrong with Fred! He's as sweet, apologetic and funny as any
man needs to be! Many men these days -- especially those not parented by a dad
are much worse than a caveman character. But MEN are doing just fine!
But Cheryl Ladd...was a PUSSY..............cat? So damn cool!
Farrah was beautiful but if you really look...her boobs weren't big AT ALL!
her body was ...meh...Kate was......don't get it at all. Hack was pretty but again...
bean pole! Jaclyn was gorgeous but again....figure was.....meh!...Cheryl was...
DDDDAAAAAMMMNNN! Cpt. Caveman had 3 Teen Angels. Good for him!
Monogamy is stupid. And good for them! He's not Charlie...but what sort of
playboy has 3 babes he never F*CKS? LOSER! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!

I'm your GIRL, FRIDAY! Lemme get
things done for you! Prep for the
weekend with a wild, wet wonderful....................
Special FLIX REC: Cary Grant, Ros russel
Snap up, wrap up and lap up
your girl Friday!

Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone) — Clueless
Karen Smith (Amanda Seyfried) — Mean Girls
Shelley Darlington (Anna Faris) — The House Bunny
Romy White and Michele Weinberger
(Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kurdrow) —
Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion
Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) — Legally Blonde
The Girl (Marilyn Monroe) — The Seven Year Itch
Mary Katherine Gallagher (Molly Shannon) — Superstar
Natalie Cook (Cameron Diaz) — Charlie’s Angels

MARCH 5, 2021
I've never been too HIP but I've
always known how to use mine.
I've got grinds and churns and
crazy-eights, slams, slides, glides
and rides, all of them in a random
sweaty-betty. But aside from
knowing how to jump your
JOYSTICK, I'm really more
meaning the actual HIPPY men-
tality which isn't nearly the same

as 'millennial apathy'. The "Whatever..." attitude that evolved out of the
late 80's/early 90s most of my friends had, never suited me. I couldn't and
wouldn't acclimate to it. However, the HIPPY culture suits me pretty well!
Besides the amazing colorful fashions, there's a sort of PEACE, MAN that
they combined with a genuine social awareness of both what we've done
well and what still needs love and change all wrapped up in a non-violent
approach that's groooooovy! The music rocked; and what's not to love
about FREE LOVE?! The real obstacle was always laziness and drugs
which I don't dig ! Some semi-ambitious HIPPIES sounds flow; so
why not let them be US!? RUDE AWAKENING, EASY RIDER, and
HAIR should be balanced by OUR IDIOT BROTHER and ACROSS
THE UNIVERSE. For a couple hours let's turn on, tune in and drop out!
MARCH 5, 2021
"Dippy” comes from the 1920s
slang 'DIP' for a stupid person.
Don't think I qualify for stupid
but we've all done monumen-
tally stupid things that some-
times seem impossible to us.
I'm all for being DIPPY if you're
a girl. Dippy people have way
more fun than everyone else
'cause we're not preoccupied

with being/looking smart/cool. I've never had any interest in looking
cool and have embraced the 'Dippy' code even though I'm an
exceptionally-educated and competent person re: so many things.
The post-modern intellectualism has gone too far. On the other hand,
people seem to have over-embraced the deliberate facade of bad
grammar and being so out of touch they don't know basic things that
we should all know. Once you create a balance between "Relax! You're
angsting too hot!" and "Someone has to care or it all goes to shit!"
you find a flow that allows you to laugh most of the time (esp at your-
self and the universe) but also commit your heart and soul to meaning-
ful matters that keep us from disintegrating. The DIPPY mind permits
you to enjoy The 3 Stooges, Dude Where's My Car, Naked Gun/
HotShots/Airplane movies and to laugh at LIFE's spilled milks.
Spill some milk............riiiight.....here! Occasionally DIPPY, but I'm
a LIPS/HIPS/NIPS and quips genius. Laugh & Lick Lifestyle baby!

Whatever it is we love, want and
need, there's an infinite craving
for MORE...MORE...MORE...
Far from being a 'bad thing', it's
what's to credit for almost every-
thing we've achieved! Without
that craving, we would all be
pointless gurus decaying at the
mountaintop. DESIRE is a FIRE.
It's a FIRE that keeps us WIRED
I can't get enough CUM! Who knows where my cumjunkie status started
but I'm not even close to embarrassed by it. As fixations for MORE
go, SEX, PLEASURE, INTIMACY (even if temporary/fleeting), could
be something far worse. Some people are just a blessing to our FUNNY
BONE. Few people make me laugh and simultaneously feel poign-
ancy like DUDLEY MOORE. Unfaithfully Yours, Arthur, 10, Crazy People,
Lovesick, Mickie & Maude, Blame It On The Bellboy are an awesome start.
His musical talent made him at least a double-rainbow. Why do we
ever stop DANCING? I stink at it (almost as badly as I stink at
videography) but IT'S FUN and it's impossible to not be HAPPY...
MARCH 5, 2021
AND THE RIP-OFF (Still fun)

MARCH 5, 2021
GOLF -- yet another thing I suck
at. I like to think I can at least
SUCK everything even if I suck AT
so many things. The only LINKS
I got going for me are on my site.
But it's a gentlemen's game for
sure, where men DO tend to be
at their best. I'm a cheerleader
for MEN and certainly MEN
being so many of the things that
so many now frown on.

But I also think MEN haven't gotten nearly enough credit for their leaps
& bounds. Women do nothing but bitch and it never ends! Regardless
of how MEN have evolved and improved (all for our sakes), it's never
enough it seems. The most read book on the planet says that women
are predisposed to spend their lifetime biting at men's heels, since the
dawn of man himself. WTH? Many men are GILMOREs -- my term for a
man who's still got his manhood but can be sweet, reasonably ambitious
and selfless (IOW -- Happy Gilmore...or any other of Sandler's roles).
All men clean up nicely when appropriate but let's not kick 'em out of
the sandlot, huh? Men have a sexy, sorta 'dirty' quality that's essential
to their fundamental essence. On the GREEN they show they can be
elegant even, but let's not take away their ROAR! Try ANY Sandler
movie but the man-movie charm of CADDYSHACK is timeless!
You can even go TIN CUP and remember...I'm a HOLE-IN-ONE!

HA! PENIS! How I've been
itching to FINALLY use that!
HA! PENIS! Worth saying
twice it's so nice! First of all
...what the hell is there to
with?!?! It's literally THEEEE
JOY STICK! Even a bulldyke
has a basic comprehension
of how the universe works &
rudimentary science! Penis is
quite literally LIFEGIVER! As
a woman, I'm keenly aware of
my 'hotbox' and it's certainly
doing 90% of the LIFE PRO-
DUCING labor...but PENIS
is pulling the trigger...PENIS
is pumping pleasure and
POW! BOOM! You're preg-
nant! However you look at it
or whatever in-vitro option
you choose...CUM is frigging
god-like! And the barrel it
BOOMS out of is frigging...
ineffable! Just ineffable!
(yes I chose that word delib-
erately). Penis is worthy of
every hour of preoccupation.
Second...after it goes off
(wherever it goes off) PENIS
is warm, wet and the brain
releases norepinephrine, sero-
tonin, oxytocin, vasopressin
nitric oxide (NO), hormone
prolactins and DAMMMNN!
a man is basically as dosed
as any man on MDMA...
& plenty of it. He is as close
to chemical HEAVEN as he's
going to get until he dies.
Explain to me why anyone
would be twisted enough to
not want that 100 times a day!
Penis envy? HELL YES!! I wish
I could feel what that's like to
go off like a gun and feel...
well...a hundred powerful
raptures running through my
body and brain! PENIS envy?
HELL YES!!! If the nearest to
it I'm ever gunna get is the
girly-gets-it...I'll take it...
was a pacifist but the meta-
phor means more than most
really appreciate. Society has
diminished and reduced so
much about men, including
his real magic...his real mean-
US LIFE...trillions of times!
Coincidence? Or common
sense? All Hail The Penis!!
(Dropping the mic!!)
MARCH 4, 2021

MARCH 4, 2021
Let's dispel some silly myths.
I mean...let's straighten some
tilted photos on the wall!
None of my playmates EVER
have trouble getting an erec-
tion, keeping an erection...
having an orgasm, or two...or
even three. I take no glory in
this since erectile dysfunction
WOMEN! There...I said it!
Men have no difficulties with
me because -- quite simply --
I'M A GIRL! The advent and
progress of this...madness
began 50 years ago (maybe
more) with the dissolution
of fundamental sexual roles.
I've said it before...so-called
'women's lib' did more to
destroy society than all the
wars & plagues combined.
Men've been methodically
emasculated and, well...
just confused about what
they're allowed/supposed
to be/not be. They've been
TRYING to be co-operative
and accomodating but, in
so doing, they have been
stripped of their ROAR!
Men used to ROAR! KINGS
of the JUNGLE! Now they
can barely purr. I love it
when a man GOES OFF and
really rrreeaaalllyy SOUNDS
OFF too...unleashes his in-
ner TARZAN yell when he
cums! I'm a girl...if ANYONE
was designed to be a 'sex
machine' it's the one with
all the curves...the pursued
not the pursuer! Men now
feel reduced to being no-
thing more than a penis.
How can anyone feel good
about themselves when the
only 'piece' of them that's
wanted or respected (and
even THAT has been...
pruned...) is a single ana-
tomical segment? I'm not
a machine and MEN are
AWESOME! I want their
sex because of everything
else they are. That said, is
it just me or should Steve
Austin have BIONICOCK?
Jamie Summers!? Clark
Kent super-pumping
Diana Prince sounds...
SUPER-sexy! I predict some
smoking hotbox...literally!
Smoke...cumming out...
Just a rosy reminder that the safe, social-
distanced SCARLET CARSON option
is still available and thriving as many
choose to change their approach to
sexy online texting/FT.
I currently have 1 opening available
"Best gal doing the best thing for all
the right reasons. You just can't beat
this gal in person or with this option.
What other girl you know loves sex
that much and has so much wit &
conversation skills? Gets me off
everytime, anytime. 10/10"
-- Illiad29, Feb 27, 2021

MARCH 3, 2021
Now...THAT'S a magic number!
Who knew when mystics, numer-
ologists, sacred writings and
witches were proposing the
power of DIGITS that 8,008,135
would mesmerize so many for
ALL ETERNITY!!!??? Being born
with 32Ks naturally isn't always
as easy as you think. I was teased
incessantly not only as BLOOM
COUNTY (didn't even know the

comic strip then) and 12-year old boys had to be convened in the princi-
pal's office to be sternly warned 3 times before they let the taunting go.
Girls -- being the competitive vipers so many are -- let their jealousy and
envy target me. Turns out...they were right...I am a freak...only in a very,
very good way! Of course DANCING is a bit of a challenge! There's no
sports bra on the planet that can hold boulders when you're trying to
bop-til-you-drop. Now...imagine if we had 3 BOOBS?! WHOA! That's
too TOTAL RECALL for me! These two kittens are MORE than enough!
But for men (and many BI/LEZ women) they can't get enough.
No straight man would ever say, "Seen two, you've seen em all!"
Hell, I would never say that! I love other women's tits! You can philoso-
phize all you like about maternity, comfort and tell men, "you do know
they're basically sweat glands, right?" and be wasting your breath.
Try, STRIPTEASE, WE'RE THE MILLERS, and, remember, when it cums
to (or ON) the HOLY TRINITY for lust, we got a pair to beat a full-house.


According to my beloved
is a magic number. (But it's not
Saturday morning). Of its many
fascinating attributes and sig-
nificances to us and our world,
perhaps the two most worth
mentioning are that it's con-
sidered lucky in CHINESE cul-
ture because it sounds like
"ALIVE" in Cantonese...
MARCH 3, 2021

and "Third time's a charm". We see in 3 dimensions but no one can
really know for certain where our mythic reverence of the number started.
We ARE alive! And, as a species, our self-preservation often relies on our
ability to persevere even after failure/catastrophe. Practice DOES make
perfect eventually, even if it takes more than three tries. But we only have
one life to live even if specific events/choices might afford us 1000
mistakes/disasters. We get countless chances to BE HAPPY but maybe
that's why so many are not so happy. Given an hour I do my best (and
have frequently succeeded) at getting 3 orgasms from my playmates
Try TANGO ON BROADWAY for some classic dancing and THREE
TO TANGO for laughs: stay away from 3-CARD monte. HAPPINESS
isn't a shell-game...now...toss me a rose...and let's TANG-OH!

The first day of every month I
make my pièce de résistance
which I actually learned from
two 45-yr-old twin sisters
while in Italy (my 3rd visit)
who really knew their stuff!
It's a one-in-a-million recipe
that's won awards among the
people who know their stuff!
Happiness is a chemical re-
sponse to many things in-
cluding food-to-die-for!
They say the way to a man's
heart is through his stomach
(because 'through his penis'
is not romantic and ITALY
literally defined ROMANCE
...if you didn't know...ROME
...ROMANCE...duh! hehe).
I plucked these Sicilian mem-
ories from my annals (that
sounds dirty...is that dirty?)
of my life because they were
windy-as-hell days just like
yesterday was with weather
advisory with gusts that
screamed through the vents
like a banshee all day in the
house! And the 'romance'?
Well...very sexy at least if not
outright romantic!
MARCH 2, 2021
"I'm SPEECHLESS almost. I can't leave
without saying that today was the best
time I've had in 8 years, maybe longer.
Amy blew me away like she does
everyone, even more than getting
from the car to the house in the wind.
She's an adorable sexy tornado of
smarts, libido and pure charm!"
-- Kess, March 1, 2012
"What Amy does is simply
astounding! She's a fireball yes
she genuinely LOVES what she
does and is also tender, intimate
and impossible to leave but
when you do you feel like a
whole new person. Thanks for
today, you're a jewel!
-- QBP, March 2, 2021

Choosing between 'splashy'
and 'catchy' (Cacciatore) was
not easy. At least...not as
easy as me. But with the boat
coming out of dry-dock this
week I'm desperate to splish
splash both it's hull and mine
(that's an entendre for ass).
The GIF above? I'm actually
saying, "I'm a little bubble-
bunny!" And soon I'll be
sailing last year's new Aloha
and making new memories.
RAINBOW aren't flix you've
seen...MARCH is the IRISH
MONTH to revel in all three.
D. was Irish and I learned
quite a bit about the culture
from him...but last year I
focussed on St. Patrick's
Day/Luck etc so this year
we won't avoid it but any-
one who knows IRISH folk
knows they work hard as
hell, play harder, love to
sing and have some of the
happiest dances (jigs) you
can imagine! They are the
funniest, most carousing
folks on the planet! And
why not try THE ITALIAN
JOB (both versions!!!) &
don't wanna be drab and
Cara Bella! Bonjourno!
MARCH 2, 2021

Best friends...
all my close friends...
Love to Dance.
Some of us aren't
as good at it as others
but we always have fun,
whatever the weather!
playmates will now have
access to JANDREA
on KIK! Contact me
for details.


Just like everyone can F*CK!
I used to be a wallflower, balk-
ing at so many things! OMG so
many things! If there was ever a
time to break out of your dol-
DRUMS...it's NOW! I got long
tall glasses to sip something
creamy and warm from...so get
your bottoms-up and shake
that...and remember...DANCE

MARCH 1, 2021

LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING! But if I'm watching...I'm too busy dancing
my HappyAss off too...too damn happy to even think about critiquing
you or anyone else. Dancing should be the freest form of LIFE and
FREEDOM! There are no rules! There's no right or wrong way to dance.
Flix recs: HAPPY FEET, FOOTLOOSE are amazing but give STRICTLY
BALLROOM a chance! And take this chance...haven't you been putting
this off too long? BUCKETLIST me...LIFE has been slipping through the
neck of the hourglass tooooooooo long! Grab a glass...toast TIME
and let's cut footloose, clothesloose, loveloose, lustloose!