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In Iowa you can be arrested
for kissing longer than 5 mins! In
Indiana it's illegal to use your
hands to catch fish. In Milan it's
illegal to not be smiling at all
times. Desiree Fairooz was ar-
rested for laughing. It's illegal
to fly a kite in Victoria Aus. In
N.C., registering as a married
couple makes you legally so.
MARCH 31, 2021
Are there laws about HAPPINESS? Have we even legalized it yet?
Maybe we should? Maybe we should make worrying and everything
that leads to it.........a crime. Maybe we should make mirth the
core of everything we do as people and society in general.
Maybe we should stop toein' the line and cross the damn thing!
THANKS to everyone who made an effort to encourage this month's
BLOG BONANZA! I really kinda went ALL-OUT and it's nice that a small
group of you at least sent an email to cheer me on a bit. For those who
actually sent 10-20! Classy is a good word for you! We
all shared a kiss, a smile, a touch, a promise, a moment together and,
for that, I'm grateful to everyone who ventured from the gloom and
doom and came and went KABOOM! It's a good thing to focus on
HAPPINESS and it was a HAPPY month. I've got some good plans
for APRIL and hopefully we will have even more inspiring FUN and
follow the rainbow to a pot-o-gold, not by LUCK but by
LOVE! May HAPPY be your hero, your heart, your whole!!

There's nothing I find more
enjoyable to watch (that's
legal to watch on TV) than a
gaggle of old stuck-up gals
There's something almost
hypnotic about the shenan-
igans of THE 3 STOOGES!
Like Laurel/Hardy, Marx
Bros., Get Smart & Abbot/
Costello, there's something
in our DNA that knows this
LIFE is something of a lark
in itself and that it's only
when we balance all the
brutality of the cosmos
with some silly 'violence'
that we have a chance at
learning to laugh instead
of losing our minds. With
March ebbing away, the
far from over...don't panic!
But, for the moment, I only
want to remind us all that
Tuesdays are a great opp
for you to find your special
#2 -- the one person with
whom you've been travel-
ing this twisted road of LIFE
-- and thank them for being
your Laurel, your Costello,
your Gracie, your Murtaugh!
Life is so much better with
a backup! Loneliness sucks!
TUE Days left until APRIL...
I normally take it down my
throat but there's nothing
wrong with a face full of
LOVE! Hit me baby one
more time! Hit me with
your best shot!
MARCH 30, 2021

MARCH 30, 2021
Of all our mortal instruments
the greatest is the HUMAN
VOICE. It has served a thou-
sand purposes over the
millennia and these days it
now serves the purpose of
SINGING us to our sanity.
I've posted many songs by
Daniel and many of them
have me singing backup
or cameos. No one has ever
bothered to comment on
my singing. Not sure why.
Kinda creepy actually.
There are few things that
make me HAPPIER than
music. I help DJ 2 radio
stations and have become
a connoisseur of a dozen
genres of music from
classical to jazz, retro to
ragtime. Because I LOVE
music...not just listening
to it (which is what most
people mean when they say
that) but also playing it...
I became a decent tech
at the mixing board and
was learning to write &
and appreciate what goes
into brilliant composition
before D. passed away.
But my instrument has al-
ways been MY VOICE!
So, with that in mind, I'm
posting the one vocal per-
formance I'm most proud
of even though it's only a
DEMO (unmixed/flawed)
because it was the first
song D. wrote for my
voice...and it's beautiful.
Hope you enjoy it!
"THANKS AMY! This was therapy
for me! Never met anyone with such
prowess. Couldn't think of a
better way to enjoy life!"
-- Evan, March 29, 2021

"Made my morning heavenly. Even
met and made out a little with her
'wife' who, it turns out is...well since
I'm not supposed to say I'd like a
second shot so mums-the-word!
Out of this world and way beyond
that! Speechless. I'll have to write
more when I'm not stunned."
-- OXO, March 29, 2021
MARCH 26, 2021

With some new painting gear
I'm ready for my next artistic
ride into the rainbow sunset.
I don't believe that IDLE
HANDS are the devil's play-
ground because I don't be-
lieve in devils, but I do love
to keep busy with living even
if that busy-ness is loafing

around like a log-lump! If you haven't seen THE IDOLMAKER or
THE IDOL they're both worth seeing, especially THE IDOL because it
really illustrates how idle people can live and how it leads to a sort of
mania and disenchantment that can only be destructive.
What's your 'goto' pasttime? How deliberate is
your 'wasting time'? Loafing is a luxury and a healthy hobby in right
measures/timing. But it's MONDAY! so why not whistle while you
work? I suggest the song 'whistle while you work' (hehehehe). I've
never been interested in the fame featured in THE IDOLMAKER but
being in those circles helps comfort me that it has its appeal but it's
overrated. Be adored by the people around you and adore them in
return! Cum be adored! Even for an hour. Everyone deserves to
have a regular dose of active adoration and idle peace.

COMO HO 1957

Neither the lazy nor the
impatient man, that is,
accepts the present instant
in its full reality and so cannot
love his neighbour
-- W.H. Auden
What You NEED...
MARCH 29, 2021
As we fast approach the end
of MARCH, one last lingering
sentiment about the focus on
little box...that sounds dirty it dirty? Most of the
meaningful elements of our
earthly life/world are cyclical.
So I assume MEN are too.

With the wind blowing the bow of my boat around and the tattle-
tale lines PINGing out a tempestuous tempo I'm reminded of
the first night I spent on D.'s Aloha in Whitby Marina on a similar
insane night. The heaters were chugging and damn I was scared.
I was not a water-child then. Tonight I'm reveling in the storm!
Men have weathered many storms over the millennia & I have
faith they will weather this one -- this 20th-21st-Century tempest.
Like all good things, they come and go, sometimes gentle on
the shore, sometime shaking the hull and howling in the dark.
I love you guys so much. I have faith in you! In a few hours I'll
be land-living again and you will cum and go (hehehe) and, like
THE PRINCE OF TIDES, you will again sit upon the throne and
reign o'ver the rain and wind and moor the vessel until all
is calm again. Meanwhile lust me a little...lust me long!
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