"The only girl I've ever met who loves sex more than I do.
I honestly didn't know such a girl existed.
Now I know there IS a god! " -- Y. Donelly.


All I have is a voice
To undo the folded lie,
The romantic lie in the brain
Of the sensual man-in-the-street
And the lie of Authority
Whose buildings grope the sky:
There is no such thing as the State
And no one exists alone;
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police;
We must love one another or die.
FEB 28, 2021

Life and Love are not competi-
tions but we've made them so.
In some respects, it's vaulted
our species out of the primordial
and into progress. But the cost
has been high. Everyone be-
comes a rival and sweet friend-
ship/love frays, often persishes.
I was married to a Gladiator. As
we leave this LOVEMONTH,
one year after his death, I hope

FEB 28, 2021
first that he found his quiet...his love...his dream of hope and faith realized.
We here who must still battle with both good and evil wills, look
forward to a lush green, sunny tomorrow, with SPRING finally at our
fingertips...we can slay the evils we have not yet slain. Love is not yet dead,
nor are we and our potential. We have been fighting for 200,000 YEARS...
Let's make 2021 our prize-fight.
The universe cannot keep us down! There is still so much to love, dream.
Love is always worth winning. We say goodbye to the waning winter.
Say hello!...share a smile...share a kiss...a touch...a moment.
Let's fight with the best weapon we have -- TOGETHERNESS.
FEB 28, 2021

When you marry a theologian who not only be-
lieves in good/evil you learn a lot about morals,
ethics and world religions. I probably know
more about sacred writings and the history
of various faiths than the people who claim to
subscribe to them. I am agnostic -- I am search-
ing. D.'s hermeneutics distilled SIN down to
"Whatever GOD says to do is righteous
(because He is God): doing anything

other is SIN, even if He told you to kill people and sleep with some-
one who wasn't your wife" etc (both of which He did numerous times).
He frowned upon the book and church replacing God's inner
voice/guidance to each/every individual. "Take time..be still...listen..."
was his approach; and he was devout about that sacred time.
D. was an ordained minister D.Div. but considered the church evil,
controlling people with fear & rejection. We crave the forbidden and
stumble at genuine LOVE (gk. agape). On this final day of LOVE
MONTH maybe the greatest LOVE STORY ever told is that GOD
became a man so that He could take our place in Hell...and
our defiant hearts could still embrace Heaven/Forgiveness...?
What are your ideas? My second-last FLIX RECS starts with
ORIGINAL SIN (mesmerizing love story!), The Witches Of Eastwick:
but society's forbidden boundaries extend to WEST SIDE STORY,
We've mostly made everything taboo (or at least frowned upon).
Love and sex are leading the way in the NO department.
Maybe that's why most people seem so damn angry/unhappy.

If you've never seen CLOSE
they're both pretty hot and
amazing stories to boot! Of
course, you can't go wrong
FOSTER fleshing out IRVING's
tangible treament of a brother
obsessed with his own sister.
READ THE BOOK before you
watch the movie! Irving is
one of my fav authors OAT
because of his both melan-
choly and hilarious slant on
the human condition. If you
were lame enough to watch
the remake of OLDBOY you
should whack your own
knuckles with a ruler a few
times and see the original.
Family has forged a pretty
strong set of shackles on how
we've evolved. It's not unlike
a cult or private army. Being
an only child it sucks that I
missed out on a brother or
sister. WOW!! My life would
have been so different!
Sibling rivalry makes no sense
to me at all! Grrrr....
FEB 27, 2021

As I've rooted through my
various journeys -- especial-
ly to ITALY in honor of St.
Valentine interred there --
I'm in awe of the beauty I
miss so badly, desperate to
return there...and every-
where, including the places
I still haven't been. Like J.
CASH says...I've been every-
where, man -- even though
he refers only to 100 or so
locales. Clearly, most people
never leave the safe haven
of their own comfort/safety.
If you never risk culture-
shock how will you ever
know you're no different
from KKK members whose
only concept of race is hate?
The best place to travel is
to someone else's inner
world of what makes them
different from you. I love
flick SWITCH and why not
you are...lemme be there.
FEB 26, 2021

FEB 27, 2021
WOW!!! Is it Saturday again already!?!? HOLY GUACAMOLE!!
The best part of strangleholding your childhood innocence is still being capable of the
kind of excitement (or any other emotional intensity) that most people lose as they age
as LIFE gnaws away at everything beautiful until most are...numb.
I'm not sure what my fav SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK is but it's hard not to root for
INTERJECTIONS! The greeks 'sorta' invented interjections but it was
MODISTAE that really leapt into the EXPRESSION OF FEELING, leaving the verb
reliance behind. So now we have single words (often just a few letters long) to really
make our rocks POP! And who doesn't like POPROCKS? and what man doesn't want
to get his POPROCKS OFF? After all...they BURST IN YOUR MOUTH! What girl can
say no to that!? PUMP & CUM get an A+++++ in my books!

On my morning travels this COYOTE was
stalking the geese the way predators do,
awaiting his striking moment but finding himself
a bit warbly after laying on the ice,
rendering himself useless as a pursuer.
RATS!!!! People who own horses like myself
know ya gotta keep a jackass in the stable to
keep the coyote's away...horses are no
ROAD RUNNER when caught in the stalls
INTERJECT...that sounds dirty...is it dirty...?
Today I'm doing FAMILY AFFAIR which I have the DVD
set of. There's a real kind of melancholy about the
show that sets it apart from other shows....it wasn't
meant for kids. Since I've been through the last of the
BRADY BUNCH I've got THE SCHMOO to giggle at!
Why not cum on over and let me SCHMOOOOZ you.
And yes it sounds dirty because it is! I'll have you saying
DAMN! F*UCK! SH*T! and hopefully cheering YAY!!!

There was an amazing candy store near the SCOTIA THEATER
10 years ago that sold wackypacks; I should have grabbed them
when I had the chance! DANG!! You need to interject me with
whatever delicious thing come's outta your wacky package!
Just a rosy reminder that the safe, social-
distanced SCARLET CARSON option
is still available and thriving as many
choose to change their approach to
sexy online texting/FT.
I currently have 2 openings available
"Peterborough is a dead zone
now for any fun of any kind.
'Scarlet' keeps me coming back every
day for the laughs, chats and even
scrabble. Her social circle is
amazing and she's the ideal playmate.
She's kinda giving it away if you
ask me. There's no one better!"
-- WhistleStopper, Feb 19, 2021

"Amy is always the perfect companion for
every encounter!"
-- STUBS 19, Feb 25, 2021
"I'm cumming twice everytime. She does
magic. It's something I didn't do
even when I was a teenager. She gets
into my head and revs me up. You
can't rate someone like Amy, she's just
beyond all that, everyone who sees her
knows what I mean."
--E. B. Feb 24, 2021
"This girl is eerily talented and loves what
she does enough to make me wonder
why anyone would go somewhere else.
Thanks for a damn good time! See you
again soon!"
-- Laura (DandyGirl) Feb 21, 2021
"For God's sake that was pretty
wonderful! I don't know how
you do it but I'll be back before
next weekend for a bit more than
what we did and I'm sure it will be
just as perfect!
-- Caroline, Feb 23, 2021
"You got me out of my funk and
that was a deep funk. You deserve
a medal! They should give out
Nobel prizes for what you do!
I salute you my sexy general!"
-- DigginIt, Feb 22, 2021
"There's something elegant and
innocent about every minute you
spend with Amy. Sublime!"
-- Kieran "Juice" J. Feb 18, 2021

FEB 26, 2021

You were silly like us; your gift survived it all:
The parish of rich women, physical decay,
Yourself. Mad Ireland hurt you into poetry.
Now Ireland has her madness and her weather still,
For poetry makes nothing happen; it survives
In the valley of its making where executives
Would never want to tamper

LOVE is like SEX and so many
other things that -- if you really
apply yourself to honing your
skills, you can become a
GENIUS at it. The heart is a
muscle and -- like any muscle
-- work it hard enough, it'll be-
come a Schwarzenegger of
romance/devotion. Most ppl
don't commit to any sort of
workout of the SOUL so, while
they can do any number of
things well, they fumble thru
anything more sophisticated
than making a sandwich the
way their beloved prefers it.
Women've b*tched about
this for years even though
there's a glaring inequity --
why are we still demanding
men buy gifts, do thought-
ful things, court and dazzle
women but women are not
expected to do the same in
return? This BS has been go-
ing on far too many centur-
ies! It is utterly unfair! Men
deserve to be sweated-for!
So ladies...get into those
Reebox and spandex and
start your warm-up...LOVE
is not a treadmill...it's a de-
cathlon! Work It! Jerk It!
Don't dare shirk it!
FEB 26, 2021

Love can drive you mad!
Love can cure insanity.
Depending on who you're
with and who you are when
you're with them, LOVE can
be a kind of crazy that cul-
ture has harnessed for eons
to somehow try to capture
how the chemicals in the
human brain behave when
dopamine, serotonin,
adrenalin and oxytocin un-
leash a cocktail (that sounds
dirty...is it dirty?...) that is not
unlike a schizophrenic during
their worst peaks and valleys.
Is it any wonder that SLASH-
ER movies traditionally synch-
ronized girls giving it up with
their immediate demise?
Let's have some fun with our
FLIX this time and I'll recom-
THE COMEBACK which was
tempting to use last post but
just suited this one more...
poetically? Any of the 3 FAN
movies work and, of course,
you gotta see CALIGULA --
now that guy was...ok maybe
he was insane but DAMN!
Some sexy sexy sexy stuff!
You say nympho like it's a
FEB 26, 2021


It's difficult to reconcile our
need to not be turned to
a pillar of salt by looking back
while today becomes yesterday
and 'those who do not re-
member (and regret) the past
are doomed to repeat it'. But,
as Sting so aptly points out,
"History will teach us nothing"
because we know the past...

FEB 25, 2021
...we just simply seem mostly incapable of ever really breaking out of our
patterns of pigheaded arrogance/entitlement. I've grown and changed so
much but still have numerous echoes in my brain. I was lucky enough to
not suffer the same fate as most Millennials -- I had a guided, wise tour
through the past before me and became...enriched...connected to history.
Without that, everything has no context or meaning and sociopathy and
indifference creates...well...Millennials. What's your fav memory from
PRE-1990? Toy...?...song...? movie...? Did you wear corduroys...? Who
was your 8th-grade crush...? Where were you when Challenger went
down...? Did you hate Flock Of Seagulls...? Did you have a pet rock...?
Our sentimental streets must be ever-revisited so that we can preserve the
beauty they created in the face of an oncoming tsunami of social ugliness.
I love the movies FLASHBACK and RUDE AWAKENING but THE KID is a
great reminder of what I'm saying, as is DROP DEAD FRED and STAND
BY ME -- Be loyal to your past and its beauty and you will stay beautiful.
I'm grateful to everyone who's stood by me over the years. Thank you!!
FEB 25, 2021

How do I possibly choose 'tween
COME BACK & STAY (I love Paul's
voice), Back Home Again (omg
Denver is so damn amazing) both
The Carpenters/Vandross' SUPER-
STAR, Selena's 'Back ToYou'...?
UGH! Everyone deserves a 2nd
chance to undo their horrible
mistakes/crimes/failures. Every-
one deserves a 2nd incarnation.
I never subscribed to HINDUISM/BUDDHISM as a brown Canadian.
But I've had a few incarnations now and each one I try to improve
on my catastrophic human derelictions. With lockdown lifting...what
will we do with this possible opportunity? Having said that...I never under
stood the waste of cumming on a girl's back. What a dereliction of CUM
duty. Put that magic-milk where it belongs! Make a baby or (in my case)
let me devour it and revel in its limitless qualities! YYYYEEESSS!!!
Now...how the hell do I choose between a long list of some of my fav
flix of all time because I LOVE & BELIEVE IN THE COMEBACK!!
As romances go, the perfection of THE STORY OF US is a shin-
ing example of how even adults can learn/transform enough to
return to one another after...well...everything. There's a glut of
sports movies I won't even start into but I love THE WRAITH, THE
BLVD and (omg!) RAGGEDY MAN!!! Perfection! But I can't dodge
REMO WILLIAMS as one of the most entertaining flix I've seen
11 times (so far). I could go on forever -- wish I could just do that!
Like sex -- NO comebacks!! I want it to never, ever, ever end!

Train yourself to let go of everything
you fear to lose. -- George Lucas

Becoming a train enthusiast
was easy. They're hypnotic,
soothing; and, even when they
drown out audio on your vids,
it's worth it just to relish the
dying mode (at least in Can.)
In Italy and Australia, and
certainly in Asia, trains are
colorful rockets (some of them
insanely fast!) that have lost
the charm of the old iron
CHUGGERS. That sounds dirty
is that dirty? I keep forgetting
I'M THE CHUGGER! (giggle).
RAILWAY MAN is the one to
and (forgive me) BEFORE
SUNSET. For a dark/romance
DERAILED is always creepy.
I've had every kind of ima-
ginable sex on trains all over
Europe where it seems like
everyone's joining the BALLIN'
THE JACK club (which is the
train equivalent of The Mile-
High club --also guilty!) in-
cluding giving one porter a
blowjob in the baggage car
(Summer 2016). Now...time to
shake my caboose!
FEB 24, 2021

Join hands...brace yourself...
against whatever you can
find...because we're about
to go full-throttle and the
ride's about to shake out
some veeeery veeeeerryyy
good vibrations...Hell Yes!
What started as a 1936 song
has turned into a train-lover's
(and trainlovers) very wet &
sticky creamy-dream.
Strangers, couples, & some-
times even soloists have got-
ten ALL ABOARD the Love
Train (or at least lust train) to
club, which -- ideally -- re-
quires you to do whatever
BALLING you do at FULL
THROTTLE. That means hot
steamy, rumpy-bumpy as
hard and fierce as you can
to the ferocious sound; and
'Angle-Cocking' (heavy
breathing), 'Ball Off' (no
brakes) Judder-Shudder,
and feed the 'Firebox'!
and DIRTY GIRL are both
4-star...runaway with me for
a few hours...all aboard!
FEB 24, 2021

Numerous people lately have been asking me about where I get all my ideas
and inspirations from for my BLOG POSTS. How long does it take me to finish
my daily WHIMS. I'll post the reply in the Q/A area as well but it seemed logical
to put it here. So here ya go! I spend about 30-40 mins a day posting my BLOG
but all the components, ideas, the continuity of images, metaphors, music,
constituents themselves etc...I don't do it home anywhere near a computer.
Walking, riding, sailing in the summer and so on...I get inspirations and then...
10 mins here, 15 mins there...I revisit them and consider all the choreography
needed to compile, compose and correlate, so that by the time I sit down to
get it done...I've got a pretty dazzling symphony of this-n-that all planned.
In total about 2 hrs goes into it, just broken up into pieces that cohere...
I hope...quite well! Having a dozen HDs full of photos/video from my travels
and adventures doesn't hurt; but it's not always easy to find things!
I do as much as 2/3 of the posting itself outdoors on my IPAD PRO using
ANYDESK which also allows me to DJ 2 radio stations from the boat or
beach or taxi if I so choose. I have some eye issues so I can't be sitting at
a desk looking at a screen very long. I was taught how to do all this and now
feel like I'm really pulling it together and cumming into my own.
Hope that answers your question!

By now you should know I'm an
ANDERSON'S fan, including THE
LIFE AQUATIC...a great flick about
our beautiful idiocy, the obstacles
'tween one another & REAL LOVE.
Those of you who, like me, sail...
Wow! How I miss my sails...the open
water! Sigh. Sex is liking that...free...
open...ever-moving horizon...
Let's you and me pop some corn,
seize a crosswind...tack west...
into the sunset...laugh...dream...
Permission to board! (hehehe)

FEB 23, 2021

For those who've never read DON
QUIXOTE (pronounced KEE HOE
TEE) -- let's be honest -- who the hell
ever reads the entire volume set of
DON QUIXOTE?, though pretentious
folks like to claim they have) the cliff-
notes distillation: FOOL WHO SPENDS
NO FOOL...most people who reach
30 have already had their realization
that LIFE IS VANITY and kinda point-

less suffering that never really sums up to any lasting legacy, let alone ever lives
up to the delusional idealism we begin life with. Love is no different. Males
have a delusional idea of what a perfect woman should be, look like, how big her
tits should be, how eager to get assfucked she should be, how at-his-feet-
respectful she should be. And we girls start our PRINCE CHARMING will ride off
with me into the sunset and live perfectly-ever-after...deluded throughout
grade-school and high school that not only do such paragons exist, but that
we have our pick of the litter, we're entitled to it...angry when he doesn't ride in,
steed and valiance in tact. Real LOVE -- the decade-long kind -- is made of grit,
grime, blood, sweat, agony, sacrifice and a lot of broken bones that need to
be reset from their mangled origins. Those of us who have had it can smile
warmly at the foolish idealists. 'Oh they are gunna find out!' Some don't.
But, as a species now, why not keep dreaming? Maybe that's what makes us
idiots...but beautiful idiots! I'm still becoming the ideal version of me.
Never gunna really get there...but why not keep at it! What else of any
meaning is there to do? This is it! We are charmingly flawed.
But we're pressing onward! RAH RAH! As a FLIX REC,
NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN has no rival! If you haven't seen this
movie 10 times already, you've wasted your life!
FEB 23, 2021


It's impossible for me to imagine
having a friend I don't fool
around with -- male or female.
Whatever the nature of the 'love'
sex makes it better. Since I'm
not wired into the conventional
ideas about sex/monogamy, I
get to sprinkle a little (or a lot)
of sex into every friendship or
other meaningful connection.
Haven't had any of the crises
people think will happen with
such a recipe. Crises only hap-
pen to people who meltdown at
every crux where mature adults
giggle or just....go to the beach
...or get a good night's sleep,
after which, all things seem...far
from dire or exigent. It's a bles-
sing to let petty things go and
just embrace a certain % of
randomness in the cosmos.
Orgasms are frigging amazing!
It perplexes me that so many
would choose to go 24 hrs or
more without one...or two...
or three...or four...on the floor.
We've become a dangerously-
unsexed society. Seems 20% of
us are having the other 80%s sex
Even the nun/sister I posted my
my fun with (with her permission
and final edit) ended up back on
my doorstep. (Self-conscious to
be sure but, nonetheless...in
need). It's scary to think her likes
are having more fun than the
most...well..'average folks'
All this civility (and I am a devout
proponent of civility/manners) is
necessary for social cohesion
but also destructive when it
keeps us from making out on a
park bench or movie theater the
way they did prior to 1985 when
a much more polite society en-
couraged even teens to 'date
around' which meant a girl could
make out with several guys a
month (or even week) at what-
ever 'inspiration point' everyone
made out at. WTH happened?
We've become..well...prudish.
EGAD! If you can name my fav
'erotic' movie...a FREE HOUR
is yours..along with my BOOBS!
FEB 22, 2021

FIRE...WATER...the treetops wa-
ving to the stars in the breeze.
Numerous things mesmerize
us and many of them we have
in common, including BOOBS!
My first exposure to porn was
at the age of 8 when I acci-
dentally discovered that my
parents' walk-in closet had a
redlight hanging from the
ceiling and, once pulled, lit up
6 full surfaces of collaged
nudes of various sizes and
shapes. My dad had spent
years cutting and pasting to
create a flowing masterpiece
of (mostly) boobs. Of course,
being only 8 I had no idea
Mother Nature was going to
hit me with 32Ks before I was
out of high school! Since then
my BOOBs have 'interested'
most of you and, being BI,
other women's boobs have
certainly been hypnotic for
me. Love itself also seems to
MESMERIZE some more than
others and one wonders if the
fascination is genuine desire
to be in love/loved...or...if it's
merely a primal element of
our survival. Maybe we know
lust isn't enough every time.
Maybe, at least some of our
carnal compulsion needs to
be a deeper affinity, even if
merely temporary. Hmmm?
Thoughts? Apparently when
RASPUTIN was a hot-song,
people in discos would throw
fists in the air yelling "RAH!
RAH!" What a fab image of
affinity and unity! Not much
of that anymore. Disco was
awesome! I hate that I missed
being part of that crowd.
Rasputin wasn't the MESMER
folks claimed, but he's now so
infamous! Notorious! And
why not keep the BOB WELCH
going with HYPNOTIZED. Try
& THE PIRATE...and remember
don't stare too long or your
eyes will stick like that!
FEB 22, 2021

OFF-THEME: since it's Sabbath and
rummaging through many of my
travels, decided to BEACH comb
so to speak not so much to beaches
themselves but places termed
'beach' even though the beach there
itself is nearby...
Trains are hypnotic, as is water.
For those who haven't really heard
here's what I do...

FEB 21, 2021

Human morality/ethics being
what they are -- now that god is
dead and we all want to sink a
flag in the fresh-turned soil of
the grave and construct our
independent foundation for
what is/isn't right/wrong,
good and evil etc -- we are
now left with 7.8 Billion moral
codes, few (if any) similar. It is
certainly more than enough
fuel to keep even the closest
people at odds for centuries
without hope of any real agree-
ment. The lines were drawn.
Toein' the line is a boxing/
fighting term for men setting
tete-a-tete at the toes before
coming to blows. (That sounds
dirty...is it dirty hehehehe).
At this rate, only an apocalypse
(or just everyone waking one
day and realizing this is impos-
sible madness -- HA! AS IF!)
can promise peace for us all.
True peace might happen at
our doing? in say...3021.
Meanwhile...the rules/lines are
blurred and we are left waking
up not quite sure where we are,
where we've been...where our
shoes are. Everyday we do
what's been jokingly referred
to as the walk of shame.
I'm sure my eyes are wonky or
my glasses too rosy or fogged.
It's Sunday and, yesterday I had
to deal with a racist...so
Try ACE IN THE HOLE (aptly
named for the 'toon below'),
MOCKINGBIRD. If you haven't
OF THE FLIES since H.S. why
not see how differently you
absorb/process it now that
you're your own god/ethicist.
FEB 21, 2021

Multiple spouses/BFs/GFs has
very little to do with sex...but it
sure can be fun too! Having
other people who knew and
loved your spouse (I mean loved
him in all the same ways) made
my grief TRULY SHAREABLE! in
all elements of the relationship.
People are then allowed to
have headaches or be exhaus-
ted...someone else who will
attend to those you love as
well as you would yourself
now tuck you into bed and
say,"Sleep tight...I got this
covered!" Jealousy, envy,
rivalry -- the insidious atrocities
plaguing monogamous people
slowly devour the so-called
"LOVE" of their lives. It's just
ugly and insane! Monogamous
people aren't really monoga-
mous...they just want to be
selfish and immature and call it
"commitment". No one ques-
tions a mother/father's ability
to love 2,3,4 children...no one
questions a friend's ability to
be committed to 2,3,4 friends
or more. Sex should have little
or no part of that specious
thinking. It's insane and cruel
to burden one person with
giving to another everything
they need. It's impossible!
3 is not even close to a crowd:
sex with 3 or 4 doesn't sound
crowded at all! and isnt...it's
quite beautiful...as is a mar-
riage and going to a restaurant
or playing kickball or the hun-
dreds of things we do as hu-
mans. No flix for this...
Hollywood continues to color
these ideas as 'destructive'
I don't know anyone POLY who
isn't still in it...and happy AF.
FEB 21, 2021

FEB 20, 2021
It's another sweet saturday morning and time for some sweet Saturday morning
fun including KIMBA the white lion...whom most people believe was plagiarized
by DISNEY (SIMBA). KIMBA was noble and on the side of right. Does anyone ever
think "I'm on the side of evil, everyone stand with me!"? I assume Kimba would
never lie...so maybe it's sweet little LIONS...?
Intriguing that albino animals are revered...albino people...not so much.
SPEAK NO EVIL -- It's hard to lie when your mouth is shut. Body language rarely lies.
If you've never watched the TV SHOW "LIE TO ME" it's pretty educational!
On that note...two of my fav songs with matching video for this LOVE
"DON'T SPEAK"...reinforcing the idea that SILENCE may be a gift to some.
I love the animaton used for DON'T ANSWER ME and the Edenic motif
of DON'T SPEAK..and GWEN was pretty damn hot!

If you've never heard the OTR
"QUIET PLEASE......" I play it almost every
Sunday morning on KFLY as part of our
from our standard music.
Here's a FUN idea...anyone who's seen me in the
last 30 days who knows what the full significance is
of the DUCKS...if you can prove it...you'll get a FREE half-hour
(ask for details)

I'm a very proud, proud slut. I've
got a high enough IQ that I made
my erotic choices with BRAINS
and consider what I do as FUN
(not work) a BLAST! Ya...ya...ya...
so I watch saturday cartoons,
read/write actual books, was an
'A' Pre-med student, listen to
BRAHMS, love poetry, puzzles
and know what PRURIENCE is.
That doesn't mean I'm boring!
I skip'd the whole drug/booze
thing, tattoos...but I've made
more men & women
than most 'POP' themselves
in their lifetime! Damn! I love
that I can say that! Intelligence is
an aphrodisiac but just being a bit
square is a turn-on when you fac-
tor in that NERDS tend to be
kinder, more considerate and the
sex always feels like the first time
even when it isn't -- they're more
aware of how grateful we should
all be that someone (nay, anyone
at all) will 'POP' us...ever! Being
a dork in high school gave me
a respect for being sexually over-
looked and I appreciate every
'POP' I get to have or create.
People don't have nearly enough
sex; and maybe the reason for
this is they feel entitled and that
it will simply be there...at their
I.Q. & read LOVE & GRAVITY
(SOTTO)...should be easy if
you've got 4 eyes! (giggle)
FEB 20, 2021

I think everyone agrees that we
were fairing much better when
RELIGION kept some uniformity
in people's ideas about what
WAS and WAS NOT love. At
least in those ideological micro-
cosms, the mythical 'Tower Of
Babel' meant that some people
would have listened to some
people & there would be under-
standing...of a sort! Now it seems
people rarely really listen to any-
one else, let alone actually hear
what they are saying. Everyone
has their own agenda and that's
what they hear, even if it's not
what's said. If you haven't seen
time to catch it; and see HACK-
MAN & Henry Thomas (age 13)
show everyone how it's done --
the acting, the ignorance and
the listening...understanding.
Let's stick with TUCCI and say
THE SILENCE and if you've
pete's sake SEE IT NOW!
BIRDBOX is a relieving alterna-
tive to idiotic A QUIET PLACE
(damn that movie was dumber
than a bowl of soup!)
And (to honor D.s memory) take
some time to watch HOUSE OF
CARDS (an all-time FAV) and
HOUSE -- two very powerful flix
about child abuse. Then open
your heart and sit with someone
you love and really have a true
conversation where you actually
truly, truly LISTEN...and HEAR...
and (hopefully) understand!
FEB 20, 2021
FEB 19, 2021

Being married to a wordsmith
made me a better writer just as
each of you makes me a better
ME with every kiss, caress and
shared sacred revelation. I've
put finishing HURRICANE JANE
off until now and -- provided we
continue on towards social equi-
librium -- I will start again soon.
It's FRIDAY so I wanna head into
the weekend with these beautiful
words from my dearly-departed who spent 100s of hours with me teaching
me about prose, and inspiring me to hone and be my own worst critic to the
end of having the confidence to pen the books I have and continue on with
those yet unwritten. Dirty words are even better...especially when they're
blurted out when the body's hot and the mind's on fire, the teeth are
clenched and lips quivering....

I wanna thank everyone who
sent sweet sentiments, gratitude
and just classy comforts as I now
make my way beyond the some-
what soul-stirring FEB 12 period.
I especially wanna thank those
who got naked with a plan and
those amazing enough to even
give my blog a nod by even send-
ing $ for no other reason than to
be a class act! Love backatcha!

FEB 19, 2021


Hollywood's bumbled its way to the
brink where CGI finally made it pos-
sible to make AWESOME space-
related romances. Our fascination
with astrology and astronomy has
fueled billions of books, stories, tv
shows, poems and OTR that have
dazzled and gripped boys/men. As
women, we've struggled to share
the same fascination but I pride my-
self on being an AVID lover of
everything cinematic where space/
romance collide. This includes flix
without a romance but still capture
the ROMANCE of space itself and
the tuition and epiphanies usually
found therein. My FLICK REC is
still STARMAN with Bridges and
Allen. It's a perfect, perfect thing!
But PASSENGERS is a powerful
rival just as SPADER (spades...
hmmm coincidence?) and Basset
swap HELIX in such a beautiful cli-
max! and of course I watch
THE 5TH ELEMENT countlessly!
Star-crossed ROMEO/JULIET are
tragic indeed but you can't beat
BRAD's LOVE for his father in
AD ASTRA! Is the universe cos-
mically connected and interwoven
so profoundly that somehow the
butterfly effect crosses light years
to the edge of all things?
I can't leave 1 song when this gem
HAS to be heard, especially since my
NOVEL (I may still write) "A YEAR
loosely inspired by the prize (below)
Our stars have aligned!
Let's defy gravity!
FEB 19, 2021

(1 of 3 songs played at D.'s 'funeral')
Relationships of every kind can
go horribly wrong, especially if
it starts off from a foundation of
lies etc. When I broke away from
my life before age 19, I rid myself
of every person whom I would need
to lie to in order to preserve their
ideas about me...their delusions.
Some people know how to build
a good LOVE and some people
are just catastrophic. Most mar-
riages are pretty shaky from day
one. I'm a firm believer that most
of what happened to men be-
tween 1965-present is the fault
of women. Tyler's diatribe on
'rockstars and the great depres-
sion' is not just fitting but the
fall of society itself. It's my mis-
sion to be everything a woman
used to be that helped men be
everything they can be!?
Maybe we can all find our way
back to a steadier house of cards
with a foundation of respect and
co-operation. Maybe not. Maybe
we will progress through this to
a new magic. D. built amazing
card houses; it's a bit tragic that
he could never understand hu-
man deceit and how his brand
of LOVE would not be possible
for many hundreds (maybe thou-
sands) of years. So far yet to go!
FLICK recs start with WUTHER-
AFFAIR (both with Ralph Fiennes)
of course, BLUE VALENTINE!
With the lockdown lifted I'm a
bit shaky now myself, weak in the
knees with sexual...(drool...growl)
HAHAHAHAHA! My house...is a
FUNHOUSE! You should check
Strip poker? First ya strip her...
then ya poke her!
FEB 19, 2021

SPARE CARES 'N' SHARES: Here's a few bobbles and brick-a-brack from a girls pockets
barely saved from the wash by a last-second search...
CHOCKY -- One of my fav READS, this JOHN WYNDHAM novel is a hilarious
and pre-THIRD ROCK meandering through the preposterous thing we call
HUMANITY through the eyes of an alien psychically-projecting himself
across the universe to the innocent eyes and daily life of a 12 yo boy.
SUPERNOVA (Apres-apropos): As the widow of a brilliant, beautiful man who
died horribly after a life of tragedy and almost-ironic accomplishment, this
mind-boggling portrayal of watching one person watch the one they
love fade is.............perhaps only some people can ever REALLY understand.
N.B. -- D. avidly admired TUCCI's work, thought he was 4-star, under-rated. Is it poetic that
While I have spoken of (and posted the song before), it's more than relevant
-- even poignant -- that D.'s last albums were LIFE ON MARS I, LIFE ON MARS II,
TWILIGHT OF THE GODS years before Parson's album and his
second-last single to reach GOLD was the song GRAVITY