
MAY 7, 2021


MAY 6, 2021

Despite many of the 20,000/day
who visit my site daily likely looking
for T&A to LURK--N-JERK to...
I enjoy doing my little videos!
They're fun and keep me mentally
honed and my funny-bone buzzing.
Incidentally...the funny-bone is
actually the ULNAR nerve that
let's you know what's going on
in your BIRD FINGER.
(That's my polite way of flipping
the bird to critics.) FLOAT ON
all you FABS! FLOAT ON!
MAY 5, 2021

MAY 4, 2021
"Amy has a unique way of making
me feel wiped out and frazzled
and renewed at the same time.
Every time I show up I spend 30
more minutes and still somehow
want another 30. She's just the
best! Anyone who says otherw-
wise hasn't actually met her.""
-- Lou S., May 1 , 2021
(Last Reviewed March 15)
"Such a wonderful time with Amy!
Definitely was drained.
Will return for a very courteous and
respectful girl!"
-- Chuck, May 3, 2021

"When you start the week with Amy
the rest of the week seems like a
-- llostt, May 3, 2021
(Last reviewed March 5)
"The first thing I did when I got my
bills paid and had my monthly free
cash in hand was make another
Amyazing date with the first wonder
of the sexy world. Even better than
last Month! So damn good!"
-- Kess, May 1, 2021
(Last Posted Review March 1)

MAY 3, 2021

With the weatherman as off in his preds as
always I was OFF on a grand journey this
morning without any RAINYDAY pix/vid
to show but maybe later today or tom!
Meanwhile, even at home eating on my
bedroom balcony I rarely miss a moment
of outdoors. I'll wrap half this up for
just before bed and skip the jam I think.
Without Brit, Regan or D. to join me I don't
put as much effort into prettying-up break
fast, but my cummy eggs console me!

SAIL like I do, and love the open water, you
develop a passionate love for the depth and
potency of sky and tempest, a profound
respect for the poetry and romance of a
hard (heart?) rain, the magic of its music and
its supra-natural ability to cleanse, heal and
even reflect our common clouded souls
and sadness, our troubled hearts.
This weather draws me out into it as happy
and excited as any glorious, radiant
SUNSHINE! I wanna DANCE in it, SING...
I wanna be GENE KELLY! I wanna CELE-
BRATE its beauty and brooding mood.
So THAT'S WHAT IMMA DO!!! Hellya!!

MAY 3, 2021

Good morning all you morning glories! Primrose
playmates along this path to pretty much anywhere
we wanna go or be! DJing this morning and paint-
ing a bit, working on my blending skills to find the
right reds, not always easy. Sunday's such a sweet
little lap of luxury isn't it? Don't want to think
on Sundays. Just be brainless and boneheaded.
That sounds dirty...is it dirty? Bone....headed.
Ok ya...I definitely wanna get boneheaded!!!
How people take their eggs is a big deal...
OVER HARD?!! Soft? HARDBoiled? Over
Easy? Or...runny...cummy...I like mine cummy.
Good for toast! Dip Dip Dip...

MAY 2, 2021

MAY 2, 2021

MAY 1, 2021

May was named for the
of fertility,
in the countryside or in
a park in the early days of May,
hence the name.
Eventually, "mayovka"
came to mean an
illegal celebration of
May 1 by revolutionary public,
typically presented as
an innocent picnic.
MAY's birthflower is


I have already (and will be contin-
uing to) MIGRATE this blog up
from JAN 2021 to an onsite link
where it will be archived and
remain accessible but without
the media (movies/music).
By Dec 2021, all but the last
3 months of the blog will be
accessible by no other means.
I am seriously considering charging
more for people who don't want
to really know me. We will see.
The rest of you who do know me
and enjoy this blog...
You're awesome!
horrible human beings!
The universe and I thank you!
This Q/A slideshow (left) is now
posted on the Q/A page I will be
adding to regularly now.
"Amy was def everything as
mentioned plus more. Booked
an hour and it was not enough.
Will book again and again and again.
She is super chill and makes
you feel extremely comfortable.
Looking forward to our next session."
-- David, April 27, 2021
"I really REALLY needed that.
Thank you so much, Amy!"
-- ME, April 27, 2021
"Again I had an amazing time. Love the
way you make me feel. Don't change a thing!
Can't wait till next time."
-- Chris, April 27, 2021
"Continue being you and writing,
you're fantastic and it adds to
your attractiveness!"
-- Balla3, April 26, 2021
"Words cannot express what seeing
Amy has meant to me. Having not
been with anyone since Covid began
was a struggle. This time together
was the calm after the storm I
desperately needed. Was
incredible for me. She drips
sexiness and the most fun I've
had in many years. Wish I
had called her sooner. Looking
forward to next time."
-- MJ, April 26, 2021
"Not sure what to write. Had a
good time! Awesome :) Drained
me! Now I feel like I need a nap."
-- GG, April 26, 2021
"It's always fun to see Amy!
She gets things out of me I
didn't even know I had in me!"
-- P., April 23, 2021