"The only girl I've ever met who loves sex more than I do.
I honestly didn't know such a girl existed.
Now I know there IS a god! " -- Y. Donelly.

This blog is designed to be viewed on a computer/tablet.
Due to the immensity of what I post, I split the month
up in a few pages so that everything loads (teehee)
efficiently! To fully understand and appreciate
the content and context on future pages you'll
need to read every post for the month.
Read blog posts from February 11 and later on HERE!

When you live and thrive in a POLY lifestyle it means having several spouses but
only one is 'on paper'. Marriages are minus all the meaningless nonsense of
documents. The only 'wedding' that matters is the one that happens in the heart
head, spirit, soul and a true exchange of vows you actually mean and mean to keep.
The wedding ceremony is a new idea. Originally you were married when you
"went into" her 'tent' or wherever she was when you entered...not her...but
the chamber where you had sex. The sex itself was the marital event.
As most experts agree MAN has existed for 300,00 years and the first indication
of any ceremony -- let alone the legal element of it -- is 2350 B.C and spread
slowly and was not even the common practice throughout civilization until
the onset of the Catholic church in 300 A.D. In other words... we invented it!
All the thousands of years prior people had spouses, but not weddings.
Not civic/legal events. I had my 'ceremony' with D. in the Taiwan Yushan
National park with several people in 'attendance', we 'consummated' in
a cabana we had set up ahead of time and slept under the stars.
Of course, we'd already had plenty of sex by then! But I've posted
19 photos from the event in the VIP. Most marriages that start with a ceremony
and a legal document end. Mine was a perfect, perfect thing!

I've saddled horses all over the
world, including those I own,
and they never pale in fascination
-- as they have done since we first
laid eyes on them! I've already
spoken numerous times about
there's no doubt that movies like
amaze everyone who first lays on
it. But if WILD HORSES can't
keep us away from the ones we
love maybe THE CRUSH (1993)
will reassess love/obsession and
might help reassess our first
prejudices. Man's centuries-long
love-affair with horse-racing is
really a return to a time before
the animals feared us...which
most religious mythology claims
was the case. Now...I wanna
FEB 10, 2021

It's a simple truism of life.
Pay close attention.
Are you listening closely...?
DOG!! Lemme repeat that.
This is now something I under-
stand in a way I did not 9 years
ago before D. insisted that I get
a dog despite my misgivings.
Within the month I was so
emotionally connected with
PEPPER that when I watched
IT! I got it in a way that usually
only MEN understand. Where-
ever it happened, it happened...
Man's best friend has survived
thousands of years and world
tragedies, wars, disease.
You don't kill a man's dog!
and remember...YDKAMD!!
FEB 10, 2021


Close only counts in horseshoes? It also counts
when it comes to LOVE. Most people aren't too
demanding when it comes to the quality of love
they get -- we know it's hard to find in any measure!
AT CLOSE RANGE might be one of the most distur-
bing dramas for five-star family...darkness. But
PENN and WALKEN pack a hell of a punch!
Love Madonna's "LIVE TO TELL" -- her best
song ever! Now let's get a little closer...closer...
FEB 9, 2021
The end of winter still seems far
away to me, but the new water
heater is keeping the baths and
showers soooooothing and zen.
You and I aren't that distant and
far, far less cold, and the big sky
and big world is still full of wonder
and new possibilities. Try the
It captures the adventuring spirit of
the early pioneers anxious to blaze
a trail to a new home. Let's you and
I find some new adventures!

FEB 9, 2021
Now's the perfect moment to share my personal definition of LOVE.
I embraced this approach the first time D. shared it with me and I've not only lived
by it in every area of my life, it's what gets me out of bed in the morning, into
bed with you sweeties and, without it, no amount of money could convince me to
do what I do when I've got more than enough money.
"The greatest gift or kindness you can give another is giving them someone to love."
He believed (or rather learned from an amazing, bizarre life and from whom he
accepted as God guiding him in the deepest core of his soul) that being loved
teaches little or nothing...it was when we have someone to love, we could
learn to diminish ourselves to serve another and, in that serving, we are
continually compelled to be and become the best -- most impressive -- version
of ourselves. Loving another calls us to deny everything ugly in ourselves and
strive for everything the one we love needs...wants...deserves.
In the end, LOVE is a metamorphosis of our ugly duckling into a beautiful Swan.
From a cocoon to a glorious butterfly! When I'm with you...this is my goal --
be the tenderness you're not getting, the lust you're not finding,
the sincerity others you love don't return, the delight, laughter and
affinity most search for all their lives and rarely if ever find. For an hour...
I fall in love with you. And I love it! I get more from it than you do likely...
because I have to shed my SELF, learn, grow, challenge myself..transform!
I am a better ME when you leave. Love is giving and sacrifice. The end.

Post-modern rationalism begat our
intellectualism and suddenly IQ be-
came a standard measure of one's
superiority in society's pecking
order. Girls love smart men! But most
smart men are vain and condescen-
ding, and most brainless men are
vain about their bodies, shallow &
often without much soul or moral
compass. Smart men find little
thrill in blowing bubbles, dancing
like an Egyptian, or just good 'ol
goofing off. Brainless men can't
get beyond their muscles or
monster-truck rallies. I dropped out
of pre-med, my average scrabble
is twice most people's best game.
But I'm a silly-billy being willy-
nilly with her giggles and wiggles
and I love to roll down hills, spin
until I fall down, and who doesn't
like a round of Rock Em-Sock Em
Robots? GET SMART is a precious
TV show and the HATHAWAY flick
is always fun to watch. God, it's
so fun turning off the brain and
relishing idiocy! But of course we
have to mention the movie I've
watched some 200+ times --
REAL GENIUS. Hilarious, stupid
and smart simultaneously!
At the risk of being pedestrian
FERRIS BUELLER reminds us all
learning rocks but GET OUT
and learn from DOING!
FEB 8, 2021

Science has not yet assessed the
actual intelligence of what we call
intuition which may border on
ESP or something spooky. Some
people have it and don't need
a higher IQ -- they've got some-
thing more valuable and some-
times more reliable. But on the
serious side of learning, most
people stop progressing in
their curiosity. I'm still learning
AMESLAN and deciphering my
RUBICS CUBE (dodging cheats)
and travel has always been an
enormous source of gathering
new knowledge: more than this
it alters the windows and doors
of the mind...so that other things
that have nothing to do with
travel or even data, become
easier to learn. PYGMALION may
MIKE TYSON them all but try
is always a solid; and, for comedy
the ORIGINAL "Nutty Professor"
has the genius and the suave
ladykiller. Laugh while you learn!
Even sex has its own tuition.
FEB 8, 2021

FEB 7, 2021

Sunday mornings are always fun
for me because I do observe the
'SABBATH' which is common to
80% of religious people worldwide.
FAMILY AFFAIR are on my list.
In the spirit of that check out
Time to do some painting
which is a joy and a comfort
and not at all "WORK"!
I haven't yet really even grazed the surface of music (and music videos) that are sacred
to me. So, for those of you who keep asking, only to frequently have the inquiry
dodged...here ya go. PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE may be schlock and camp
(or even worse not camp...EGAD!) but D. turned me on to the freaky B-Movie
and the FABULOUS music wirtten by PAUL WILLIAMS and I'm still cranking it loud
and loving every delicious note/lyric. "THE HELL OF IT" below in the HELL post
is one of those songs. As music videos go, it's hard to beat DARLING PRETTY by
MARK KNOPFLER...I've spent my entire adult life pursuing the inner beauty and
character that warranted the woman in this video being ME. I have no idea if I
have succeeded, or ever will, but this video is more sacred to me than I can express.
"IT'S RAINING AGAIN" by Supertramp is next on that list...both are tear-rendering
salutes to some of the best LOVE STORIES you can find. But for individual songs
(not including D.'s music and the music I've helped produce and sing on myself)
nothing brings me to broken, sobbing heart-welling gratitude for LOVE itself than
Brandi Carlisle's "I BELONG TO YOU". I feel pity for those who've never felt so
insanely in love with another that they cannot breathe without them.
This song is quite literally the anthem of my entire world with the man I was
so LUCKY to know, learn from...share air with. That was very very...sacred info!
Now you know what's with all the UMBRELLA pics of me!

If BRAINSTORM is too retro for ya
try MICHAEL. It's not a great love
story but it may also be very apropos
for us all right now

There's not a single movie that takes
place in HEAVEN though many claim
to. That leaves me with one of my
favs -- BRAINSTORM! Though the
glimpse into heaven is brief, there's
and NATALIE WOOD! Brazil has
some jawdropping sites once out
of the major cities and since we
all can't travel anytime soon, we
can try to carve out a little piece of
our own local heaven by doing
what we can with what we have.
I've got something that gushes...
You have something that
gushes...Let's GUSH!
FEB 7, 2021
It's difficult to determine which is the
more fascinating LOVE STORY --
Tom Cruise rescuing the fair maiden...
or The Devil who denies her release.
Either way, Mia plays the second of
decent roles before vanishing forever.
This Fairy-Tale is fraught with religious
overtones and implications. It's Sun-
day and, as most know, I have on my
"FUCKET LIST" at least one sexual
tryst with a Priest. The nun experi-
ence is now posted on my VIP (with
her permission and a little editing).

FEB 7, 2021
"It's been 20 months since I last saw Amy at the
airport where she made me regret not booking more
time because it zipped by so fast and she was not only
that 'Amyazing' everyone refers to her as, but also
incredibly charming, smart, funny and has great taste
in all things before her time. So this morning I arrived
at her oasis for the first time and I cleverly booked 3 hrs
so that, in addition to the ideal TLC, we watched
"BLONDIE PLAYS CUPID" from 1940 in the spirit of all
things loveydovey and Valentine. She showed me
her Baseball/ hockey cards and, in her very ladylike way,
giggled her way through a game or two which I did
during recess at age 8-10, but somehow lost the knack.
She clobbered me! Can't wait to do it again"
-- WishBone42


What's Saturday morning without my
cartoons?! It's a long-standing tra-
dition of mine, because I missed the
whole 70s/80s FAD that died out
before I could join the party! But
since it's apropos, among the
legendary LOVES there can be no
argument that TOM & JERRY,
WILE E. COYOTE & Road Runner,
are notable mentions. But it
doesn't stop at the cartoons!
How about TOUCAN SAM &
his Loopies, Sonny & his Cocoa
Puffs, Tricks & his Trix etc...
I mean THAT was LOVE!
With all this in mind, can you guess
which timeless LOVE is number one?

It's not difficult when you are in fun
and glamorous places to feel like
Barbie! I love watching the old
commercials and, of course, the
cartoons trying to get a sense of
thing seemed to those born in
such a sweet time compared to
the 90s/2000s/2010s etc.
I feel cheated! Those of you who
remember...LUCKY YOU!
FEB 6, 2021

Retro TV and movies are filled
with dashing men dressed to kill,
swooning women who dressed
and behaved like BARBIE...
Both men and women still had
etiquette, courtesy and savoir-
faire! TV and MOVIES have
become pretty crass, loud,
abrasive, abusive, insulting
and just plain...ugly in so many
ways! Reality TV didn't help!
But Legendary Loves like LUCY
and Desi, Oliver & Lisa, J & J
Hart etc. I admit that FRED F.
and The Kramdens may be the
unwitting forefathers of our fallen
charms but there's no mistaking
much of this era was lost to our
discredit as a society that's more
vulgar, crude, let-it-all-hang-out.
The Feminine Mystique has
vanished, the debonaire man
has sadly been bludgeoned to
death by Feminism. I'd love to find
a hold-out guy who's fine with a gal
who doesn't splay herself, loves
THE 3 STOOGES and knows how to
play 70s-style sports-trading-card
games. There's too many Timeless
Loves to mention so here's my #1
choice! Make me swoooon!

FEB 6, 2021
I’ve shared this before but it’s timely now, what with the two BEAR posts of Thursday.
There’s a larger design than breaching the bunny metaphor it’s seeming to offend.
When my dearly-departed was a teenager he dated a girl with whom he developed
a ‘schtik’ of sorts. She admired his superior brain and he was drawn to her small stature and
cuteness and, being a big YOGI BEAR fan, she’d call him YOGI and he’d call her BOOBOO.
When people inquired they’d explain and people were enchanted. He spread this to DETROIT
where relatives lived and with whom he often stayed for months at a time (because of his
horrifying home/family circumstance). It caught on, first there and eventually elsewhere,
especially among the blacks he spent much of his social time with. They started referring to
their GFs as their 'boo boo’. True story...I was married to the man that started that
40 years ago! I was proud to be BOOBOO to his (much, much much} smarter-than-the-average bear.
I was also given the name ROO so that I was ROO to his KANGA and that eventually
evolved into ROUX which is a cajun term/food and JOHNNY DEPP’s character in CHOCOLAT.
All my friends have called me ROUX for many years. FYI (for those who aren’t aware) almost
every ASIAN culture has both an English name and a name from their ethnic language.
Amy is my given English name but if I’d been born in INDIA (and certainly when I visited there)
I had an INDIAN name...I bet you’re dying to know what it is!

I've seen LUNA several times and it's
one of the most fascinating tales I've
ever enjoyed. Recommending it is
risky because some may be offended
by the incest involved but the LOVE
involved in this troubled saga is
actually quite gripping. Best of all it
too has a HAPPY ENDING (it's a pun
if you've seen the flick). Seriously...
It's FRIDAY and, with the overnight
whirlwind quieting, I can go for a
good HIKE. Who's gunna HIKE
up my skirt and...hmm...no panties.
FEB 5, 2021

"The terminal point of addiction is damnation"

Sometimes it snows in April...
Sometimes I feel so bad...
Sometimes I wish that life was never empty
And all good things they say never last.
And Love isn't loved...until it's passed...

In the expl/grindhouse "THE DARK
SIDE OF TOMORROW" two typical
housewives have a fling but only
one of them is deeply affected by
it. You can pick up Faulkner's
"TOMORROW" and be better YOU
just by reading it; but, of course, we
can't skip one of the great non-
romance loves -- ANNIE...
where Tomorrow's always a day
away. Speaking of Tomorrow...
we'll do something special for
Saturday. Now let's you and me
do something.....special...
FEB 5, 2021
My first boyfriend was a white guy and I was 18. No one ever looked in my general
direction in those days because I was a straight-A student which was synonymous
with DORK, LOSER, PRUDE. Little did they know I was on my back most days
with my BF pumping my mouth because my family's principles re: sex were
very religious; and they worked hard to keep me imprisoned from the world because
I was not only an only child but the GOLDEN CHILD after 3 miscarriages.
By the time I lost my virginity a year later, I didn't know what a BIG MAC was
or how to swim, ride a bike or even know how to get a taxi.
In the next few months I had met Britney, Melissa, Jamie and was halfway
around the world, discovering LIFE, LUST, LOVE...possibilities.

VIDEO: 2016
You may be done with the past but
the past may not be done with you.
This haunting truth from MAGNOLIA
reminds us all that, as a species, and
as individuals, our choices create our
futures and we are ThrownBack into
our former flaws and failures to
reconcile two versions of ourselves.
I've never wept as hard and fiercely
as I wept during the last scene of
been married to a man so horribly
abused as a child he could not
sleep more than 4 hours without
waking in tears. Loyalty people!
It is all about loyalty! You simply
surround yourself with a circle of
those you can build a hope with
and come what may, whatever
the darkness -- STAND TOGETHER!
Never ever ever betray each other!
Stand. Stand together. Stand fast.
Stand Hard. Stand!
FEB 4, 2021
are both romantic, sweet, funny,
charming and awesome examples
of happy endings...

On the happy side of the same
LOVE COIN, everyday is a new
chance to do everything we did
wrong yesterday...RIGHT!
Our various silly or twisted, cruel
or callous crimes are not yet
committed when the sun rises.
The slate for today is blank.
Break the seal on those unopen-
ed dreams and kindnesses.
Forgive someone. Seek forgive-
ness from someone. Be sweet to
someone you're usually cold or
indifferent to. Those you've
it takes. Swallow your pride.
We have 28,835 days to make a
perfect day! To smile at the sun,
to hug a stranger, to bedside our-
selves for someone dying, to
console the grieving, comfort the
tormented, forgive, apologize,
laugh at our infamy, scoff at
despair. This earth is our home...
This is our HOUSE.
Let's decorate it with love!
Let's be every beautiful color of
the rainbow and shine, beam...
This is OUR HOUSE!
Brothers, sisters, father, mother...
Regardless of how you choose to
live...we are ultimately, inescapab-
ly...a family...
FEB 4, 2021

Winter won't keep my GFs and I from
a good ride, get the blood going,
make a memory, including hot choco-
late, a warm blanket and long under-
wear underneath. Of course those
were two of the warmest January days
we've ever seen! Most know I wear
a strong prescription so my video
goggles record better than I see!
time fav of mine and beautifully --
though tragically -- captures love
from afar. People are so lost/found,
invisible at times. Cum be found!
FEB 3, 2021




FEB 3, 2021

At the horizon, there's a blue where
sea and sky become one -- a color none
of us will ever see. I'm torn between
Cyrano De Bergerac who DOES get
his kiss, his proclamation of love and
the truth known...as he dies...and...
Interstellar in which his love propels
him across the universe and the skein
of time itself...& why not SUPERMAN
where he literally turns time back to
save Lois. Clark/Lois are epic now,
aren't they? Let's stop time for an
hour or two and bridge the only
distance that matters.
My first kiss was with my cousin Anuja (a girl). I still am not sure why some women
don't enjoy kissing another girl and why some don't enjoy kissing men. A kiss is
awesome whomever you are kissing! I was nine years old at the time and we were
mimicking an old movie on t.v., practicing maybe, I'm not really sure. My memory is
vague at best. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 19 and that was a 3 some with
a Hawaiian girl just younger than me and the man I would eventually marry.
I can't imagine not kissing someone I'm with and don't understand those who don't.
People press their lips together -- not sure who invented it, but if it isn't the author
of the universe...they deserve many many many many awards!
As stated last Feb and every month since
then...D.'s music -- much of which I
sang on, helped produce has officially
been completely removed as he requested
For those who bought and love it...I'm
grateful. Those of you who took no
interest in it will now be at a disadvan-
tage as the next 12 months every con-
test will have at its core, trivia about
said music. Starting today.
crusade..." The first playmate to KIK me
the correct answer gets a free hour!

Geese are one of the few animals to mate
for life. Monogamy is silly but they still
mourn their loss of mate, honking mourn-
fully, separating themselves in solitude.
Keep in mind this monogamy is asexual
and it's once a year! Humans need much
much more tenderness and TLC.
There's nothing more wrong and evil in
my view than someone who is alone
not by choice but by caprice.
It's unnatural and horrible!
I am fortunate enough to have other
significant others upon whom to lean
and who actually share my loss and
love instead of just affording sympathy.
TWOsDay is a weekly reminder to us
that one's a funeral, two's company,
3 or more is a party -- and a safety
net when we lose someone.
Be it Bride Of Frankenstein, The Mon-
key's Paw, Embryo, Godsend or CREATOR
(my selection) we are able to mourn loss
so deeply we'd rather raise the dead
than lose those we love.
FEB 2, 2021

You may criticize this selection but
as the good side of LOVE I'm
choosing MR & MRS. SMITH be-
cause it best represents loyalty & com-
mitment...it should be YOU & ME
against the world. LOCK & LOAD --
Life/Love are battlefields. Friends,
in-laws, work...everything is against
you and it is only together that you
can stand and defend what is sacred
to you and meaningless to others
around you. It is unfortunate that some
of that battle reaches WAR OF THE
ROSES insanity but bruised and
bloody is the nature of nature itself.
The universe is eating itself, at odds
with itself, but somehow in harmony
with some cosmic comedy.
Get the last laugh. The best revenge
on caprice is living well and lonely
people live miserable, short lives
Don't walk life's highway alone.
FEB 2, 2021

As most know last FEB 12th (2020)
I became a widow. Those of us who knew
and LOVED him will not be celebrating
any 'anniversary' of his death but rather
on his BDAY (July 12th)...and it will not
be sombre. D. was more passionate
about LIFE & LOVE than anyone you
could even imagine. Therefore, let's
celebrate instead LOVE itself...
I will be posting, photos, vids, books,
movies, poems, songs that I LOVE
-- especially those he turned me on to.
This will be the most revealing
month of my blog ever.
It should be fun, sweet and sexy!
FEB 1, 2021

The Irish mournful music is
a tradition of women pining
for their lost loves, awaiting
their return from months at sea

Everyone has different ideas about what is and
isn't love, what qualifies and what defines it.
Sacred texts from every faith have theirs,
different cultures and eras are all easily
defined by their notions of LOVE,which is -- in
its crudest reality -- not very different from
eating large quantities of chocolate.
But LOVE is both elation and heart-break and
somewhere between those two crazed polarities
the truth may or may not exist. THE LAST
AMERICAN VIRGIN is absolutely heart-
wrenching but a dazzling, stunning example of
how teen/love movies can be brilliant.
Then THE LAKE HOUSE (one of D.'s
favs that I immediately adored). BTW...
WE ALL NEED LOVE is one of my fav songs!

FEB 1, 2021

Not withstanding Castles In The Air...
I am still your infinite Indian Summer.
Traveling affords one the chance to
be elsewhere during hostile weather
so being in lockdown isn't exactly
a (summer) breeze. But happiness
and hope are still flowing through the
jasmine in my mind. The sun is
beaming today and SO AM I!
And it's MOANDAY...so let's get to
some moaning like a ghost!
“The desires of the heart are
as crooked as corkscrews
Not to be born is the best for man
The second best is a formal order
The dance's pattern, dance while you can.
Dance, dance, for the figure is easy
The tune is catching and will not stop
Dance till the stars come down from the rafters
Dance, dance, dance till you drop."
FEB 1, 2021
or so says the man with
(aka John Lennon)

I love classical music and play it for myself (especially Brahms) and occasionally on KFLY.
When I was 8 years old my father took me to the symphony for the first time. I was
overwhelmed by the grandeur of the hall and the intensity of hearing Brahms LIVE
with an orchestra. I remember him smiling at me and there was a tear in his eye he
clearly did not know was there. This was the first, last and only time I would witness this.
There is beauty in what is fragile.

"Oh yaaaaahhh...hop to it! And
don't go all floppy.....eared..."