If it interests you...here you can observe the compass by which I navigate my life -- my philosophies and belief systems upon which I mostly live. I've traveled a great deal and met a vast array of people and changed my ideas very radically many times about many things, so my brain is not hardwired to one strict concept of anything. I've been turned 180 degrees more than once on serious matters; and I hope that, as I age, I continue to embrace wisdom and anything that might change my mind on any particular matter, rather than simply fossilize myself merely because it was my earliest exposure to something.
It's not meant to be a narcissistic diatribe, just a simple means for those who may want to know me a bit more intimately to do so.
I have to start with religion because, as a society, our religious beliefs
are the foundations for our mores, our folkways, our moral codes,
our penal codes, our sociology, our politics, our families,
our intimate relationships -- everything!
My parents were -- like most Indians -- Hindu.
I never really embraced this or any other particular religion:
and when I met D. he was not only a "born-again Christian" but a
fairly-celebrated theologian and ordained minister.
Many years later, I do not consider myself agnostic; but I also do not
consider myself any particular faith.
After years of study and living, it seems clear to me that once even a
little intelligence and faith is applied,
its rhetorical religion is destructive.
If you belong to a faith where there is a tremendous amount of
social sickness and hatred like Christianity and Islam,
whatever else you say to defend the specific edicts of the faiths
themselves, at the heart of the problem are not those doctrines,
but the concept of religion itself and how it is used.
Most importantly is that Faith itself demands that reason and evidence
must be replaced by acceptance and a lack of evidence for what you believe.
As soon as you subscribe to that process, you're surrendering to trouble
for yourself and others around you.
If you subscribe to a faith and haven't found it causing you any trouble,
it's probably because you're not really invested in it like those who have.
I am NOT an atheist.
I believe there is a "god". If they have a name we have no idea.
Names are something we need as humans. They're important to us
-- and, for obvious, sane reasons.
But then, we're human. Anthropomorphizing "god" is the
beginning of the problem.
There is likely a "god", and they likely did, in fact, create the
universe, space, time, matter...
probably not too far off from the means science believes at this time
in our intellectual evolution.
But I don't believe that creator has any specific interest in us,
let alone as individuals;
and they certainly could not care any less who throws what
mud at whom or who fucks what or any
other millions of elements of our species' rules/laws/morals.
What we did as a people was important -- we created order.
We cannot live without order. But most of the reasons driving specific
rules/laws/morals have
changed although the strictures themselves have not.
There was a purpose to laws about homosexuality,
marriage etc...but those foundations have not existed for thousands of years.
Clearly, we can only really have peace when we all agree
what is right and wrong...from putting the cap on the toothpaste
to killing or not killing thousands of people because they have big noses.
That's simply never, ever going to happen.
And yes, the pursuit of peace as an ideal is, in itself, not necessarily
right or wrong. Like everything, these are ideas we accept as absolute
because of millennia of religious forces forming us as a species,
generation after generation.
Peace itself might be overrated and wrong.
That's a difficult concept for us to even consider but
-- once you are at that crossroads --
you begin to question everything and can slowly begin to find a
new way of going about life and, more importantly, living with others.
There is no hell. There is no heaven.
There is no one watching, judging, disappointed or proud of us.
If there is a "god" they are not being identified or reflected in any religion.
Religion is simply...evil.
Yes lofty ideas exist therein, but the machine itself is not good simply
because it possesses lofty piety.
It is possible that the pursuit of perfection and the ideal is the
beginning of the problem.
We cannot abandon this pursuit because there's not much else we've
come up with to propel as a species into ongoing millennia and survival;
but it might be that we've become too aggressive
about it and it has fueled all the laws/failures/judgements/condemnation
everyone experiences and exacts upon one another.
And we all do. None of us are innocent of this.
This being my core belief system at the moment, I've embraced the idea
that since we cannot make
"god" or one another happy through being "good" or "doing good",
the next best thing is to not WASTE life.
I do not want to waste my life and the time I have.
I feel most people are wasting their time/lives
trying to make everyone around them like them, love them,
happy, satisfied, proud.
They will never accomplish this. Ever!
I have a small few people in my life I am trying to make happy
and safe and comforted and, yes, proud of me.
But I've chosen these people selectively BECAUSE, in their instance,
they agree with these ideas
and actually daily affirm to me their pride in me for what I do well
and congratulate me when I succeed.
Everyone else -- you're only ever going to disappoint them
and they will increasingly resent you.
THAT is a waste of time.
If you have people in your life who aren't making a point of
thanking you and saying they
are proud of you and your efforts -- lose them.
They are just vandals. They are (and have been) destroying you.
They are not doing anything to help you.
This is what I've done. It is why I have no contact with
old family and friends -- they are dying.
I'm not dying with them, let alone allowing them to systematically
kill me hour by hour.
What I do now...I get the opportunity to be
the best possible version of myself without any of you
ever having to see me when I'm weak or petty or stupid or just plain cruel.
You get the best of me! The intent is for it to help you find
a new faith in human beings and
heal you from the crap everyone else lays on you. In most instances,
you are usually giving me
the better aspects of yourself and I grow
and prosper and profit from this.
Which leads me to my ideas on...