If it interests you...here you can observe the compass by which I navigate my life -- my philosophies and belief systems upon which I mostly live. I've traveled a great deal and met a vast array of people and changed my ideas very radically many times about many things, so my brain is not hardwired to one strict concept of anything. I've been turned 180 degrees more than once on serious matters; and I hope that, as I age, I continue to embrace wisdom and anything that might change my mind on any particular matter, rather than simply fossilize myself merely because it was my earliest exposure to something.
It's not meant to be a narcissistic diatribe, just a simple means for those who may want to know me a bit more intimately to do so.
I SUPPOSE...I have a much more epoch-natured
attitude towards POLITICS.
Nations rise and fall.
We flatter the likes of Rome and Egypt even while most of us would
have hated every element of their political character
Ages pass, ideas come and go: democracy, socialism, communism.
Despots die away and sometimes are replaced by others worse
and others better according to what we think is
worse or better, even while what we think is worse or better
will likely be considered insane 2 millennia on.
When I read the communist manifesto it made sense to me.
But then so does animal farm and Gibran's THE PROPHET.
It seems that ideas are best when they are made a social infrastructure
only when it is done so without singularity.
As soon as one idea or notion is made our paradigm, it's doomed to fail.
Canada is more socialist than it is democratic,
though most don't wish to see it.
Jesus was more a communist than a teacher.
History has taught us that all the best and most meaningful
progress was made during eras whereoligarchs reigned.
Humans seem to need leaders who lead by ignoring the democracy.
Einstein said most of the people are wrong most of the time
and it's been my observation that the most common
and popular thinking is likely the wrong one.
To be daring...maybe Trump is a bit whacky after years of power and wealth...
but I'm fascinated as hell to see what he does after
Obama did literally nothing and everyone loved him.
He was a pleasant man and pleasant president.
But he was a bland disappointment.
Maybe Trump will dazzle us!
JFK would have been disdained these days for being himself.
They'd have impeached and tossed him out on his ear.
I suppose what I'm saying is that we live in a small time with
small problems and a smaller
place in the grand scheme of things; and while we all tend
to be temporal-centricwhatever era we live in, the seeds we lay
now are not really that significant for the future.
We're not that important.
We are small.
Millions have come before Trump and Castro and probably millions
more will come after them.
Patriotism is only as meaningful as it is to your country of origin
like a basketball team.
We are not the greatest country in the world and certainly
Americans are just awful awful people!
Meh! C'est La Vie Du Politique.
Your great-grand children will think you were terrible people
and that their nation is resplendent
compared to yours -- and they will be as correct as you are correct
thinking yours is better than your
People like Americans and Canadians do a crap-load of bitching,
whining and complaining for
people living in such an improved time and superior to other countries.
If Canada and America are so great you'd think the citizens
would spend less timecomplaining about what's wrong and
congratulating themselves for what's so much better.
Genuine progress demands we find some sort of political framework,
but it seems we should be currently thinking
about a world-government, instead of one defined by borders.
That would be progress.
At this time in history we're just shaking foam fingers at one
another in the standscheering on our own and jeering at others.
All the smaller chatter seems a silly waste of my time.
I don't wanna set the world on fire...my ambitions are small.
I'll settle for setting you on fire.