If it interests you...here you can observe the compass by which I navigate my life -- my philosophies and belief systems upon which I mostly live. I've traveled a great deal and met a vast array of people and changed my ideas very radically many times about many things, so my brain is not hardwired to one strict concept of anything. I've been turned 180 degrees more than once on serious matters; and I hope that, as I age, I continue to embrace wisdom and anything that might change my mind on any particular matter, rather than simply fossilize myself merely because it was my earliest exposure to something.
It's not meant to be a narcissistic diatribe, just a simple means for those who may want to know me a bit more intimately to do so.
I'm holding on pretty damn hard to my fluffy ideas about money.
Once you start hanging out with ridiculously-wealthy people
like celebrities, you discover the
philosophy that "rich people simply have more/bigger money
problems but they aren't necessarily happier"
you discover that's just nonsense. They are insanely happier!
It is a tragic development in our society that money has become the
solution to almost any and every problem.
I sigh and want to weep that it's true.
But it is.
There is almost no problem or crisis I've been in that wasn't easily
solved with the right amount of money.
About 90% of our human issues that make us worry and fret and panic
are so easily dismissed
when there's money to throw at them.
But, as I said, I'm holding on pretty tightly to my fluffy ideals about it.
We invented money because people are assholes
and can't simply share or barter fairly.
Without the innate need to "have", there'd be no need for money.
But, for now, it is what it is and we are who we are.
You can't give someone a $30 gift for
Christmas without them bitching behind your back
that they spent $50 on you.
Sad Sad Sad.
I want to believe that money will someday pass away.
So I'm sticking with it.
Mind you, it's easy to be philosophical about money when you have it.
Yes I'm in a unique situation where I live well without what
I do for fun, so...it's fun for me, not work.
Thankfully! I wouldn't want to do what I do for fun...for survival.
I'd become nasty, miserable, avaricious.
In my mind, I'd become useless doing what I do in that instance.
Instead I try to be as respectful about money as I am about time.
I save.
I don't have a frivolous lifestyle.
I don't drink, I don't own a car.
I don't take (and have never taken) drugs.
I don't smoke. I don't 'party'.
I know most of the girls I've met and talked
to do most or all of these things.
Not all, but most girls. Not all of these things, but most.
I find it hard to sympathize with people saying they need the money
they charge when they are
miserable about what they do and consider it work.
It's sad they aren't having fun doing something that should be super fun.
It's even more unsettling that they
then use said money to buy cigarettes
(which I'm pretty sure aren't cheap)...
and drugs which many have indicated they
are spending a small-fortune on to maintain their habit.
Gucci. $500 shoes. You name it. The money is flying out the window.
Then suddenly they need more. For more Gucci and crack.
Of course booze is more common, but I never got into that
when I was a teenager, so I'm really a fruity-drink person which
can still be pricey sometimes...
but I order one of them maybe every couple weeks
I don't party! I never understood this thing where people go out
and become insane and drink and take drugs and so forth.
I love having fun and I'm a wacky person but give me a go-kart or bumper cars,
give me a food fight or just awesome sex and I'm having a great time.
A fast ping-pong game or sailing out on the water, watching TV on the ocean
or playing with my puppy, running around the yard is a fantastic time for me.
Most things I like are cheap. I don't get the jewelry thing AT ALL!
For me, having a cream soda in the morning is a delicacy!
I don't spend a lot of money on myself and I certainly don't think it's
appropriate that girls plot and scheme to have their playmates pay
for theater tickets and expensive meals
and a hundred bucks in drinks so they can foot the bill for their fun.
Trust me, in private, they talk about this.
It's chilling how conniving they are about it. It is precisely
what so many men think about
women; and it demonstrates that, in most cases,
they are right on the money.
You can feel comfy that not one cent of whatever
you give me is going to any vices,
except maybe a Krispy Kreme doughnut.
I'm saving.
In a couple years maybe I'll open a restaurant without a mortgage.
Who knows. If anything you can feel some pride that yours
is going to help create a
fantastic retirement for someone who respects what you've given.
For now...the money is a strange measuring stick for me the way it is
for most people using it to grade themselves on their value to others.
What I'm given -- especially tips and gifts -- I use as a way of
measuring my value and the value
of the time we spend -- the value, that is, in YOUR eyes.
As a woman, we're all encoded this way, unfortunately.
How good am I at making you happy for whatever time we're together?
And, strangely, money helps men feel more comfortable.
It makes sense even though at first it didn't.
Initially, I was just trying to become more cosmopolitan
about sex because I'd been
so overprotected about everything in life.
But guys balked and it seemed impossible to hook-up
without money because
men's minds worked in this peculiar way.
They wondered, "why would this person do this with me if..."
All the blockades and issues of entitlement are adjusted and men feel
liberated from them as soon as money is involved.
Men understand money.
They understand a "deal".
I give you this and you give me this and the contract is settled.
No complications.
This is why marriage and even GF/BF relationships are so warped.
There's no agreement. Men find themselves wandering in the dark
with each new woman
attempting to find out what it is she really wants because
she really doesn't know what she wants.
So let me be frank and perhaps this isn't an education for you but still
-- from the mind and mouth
of a woman -- what women want is...
We want you to be smart and stupid, rich and poor, rough
and smooth, brash and benign.
The list of CONTRADICTIONS goes on.
And when it comes to money, women really do want everything.
It's why there can never really be a fair 'deal'.
As for me, I've become philosophical about the idea of everything
because I have noticed I can be
quite content with far less than everything so, while it would
be nice to win a lottery,
I don't feel the need to manipulate men to buy me expensive
things and to give me far more than what I know to be fair and right.
There has to be a moral compass for everything, especially money.
There's only so much of it in the world and, while some people
pursue as much of it as they can get
their hands on, I think I know how much I need to feel safe, cared-for and happy.
Men spend so much of their lives trying to measure every new woman's greed.
It's tragic very few women seem as interested in measuring a man's need.
Marriage usually becomes a man spending his time and life giving
a wife and kids everything.
And getting little or nothing.
Little or no respect, declining sex, depleting freedom.
Shackled to his duties and responsibilities, he marches on
year-after-year wondering
why he's still doing this when, even for holidays and birthdays,
while he's furnishing the means for everyone to have elaborate,
numerous, expensive gifts he gets a tie.
Whatever he gets, it's nowhere equal to what he gives and deserves.
Every time I watch "That 70s Show" and they highlight how,
after all these years, Red Foreman's
never been to a Packer's game, I cringe.
These people he calls family have zero respect for this man
and everything he gives them.
This is bullshit!
I keep that sort of thing in mind when I'm with my playmates.
Everything they are being robbed of by others, I try to give.
When we sign up for our long-term relationships, things are never
clearly defined as well as they are
when it comes to what I'm doing with you and what you're doing with me.
If they were you'd be happier and you wouldn't need me at all.
But you and me...there's no imbalance.
Everything's clear.
Everything's cool.
As it should be.
In another time, maybe money will vanish and all my 'fluffy ideals' will be realized.
I'll be long-gone by then.
So, for now, let's just agree that this works better than
almost every other relationship
you have where things are rarely balanced, fair and functional.
And have as much fun as we can...something that is also
likely sadly missing elsewhere in your circumstances.
Money can absolutely buy you happiness.
Even if it's just temporary...like money.